You have your ticket for J.O !
The aim of this item is the beginning of series of others to fight against Swindle of the most current ones with the professional sportsmen. Attention, the destination is not a country of straight no and insecurity, I simply wish you to recall some elementary rules. The issues are nevertheless sizable because it concerns the limits of your lawful covers within your federations. Is better to warn than cure…
The racket: This is usage of the violence or blackmail to extort money or possession usually if in the street they proposed you merchandise refuse! That can Come from organized bands, or local mafia (Big circle).
The drug: This is a chemical psychotropic substance, considered as noxious, that can provoke a dependence, This is also doping products. If someone gives you something to carry for a friend or a member of his family at the time of your return in France. Be careful, maybe you will find at Charles de Gaulle or doubtless a surprise at your departure.
Procuring: This is the action to profit from the prostitution of others, who constitutes an offence in France and in certain countries. love do not warned, you can be in front of the woman of your life…even that can be for life or for one flirts, Attention to not to find yourself in a procuring network. Usually, if your soul mate wishes to move you away from the athletic town or ask you for money you be careful and fled!
Illegal dealings of Product out of trade: even if someone proposes a kidney or a heart refused! But for your champion organs …hum hum, avoid to fall asleep anywhere.
Smuggling: this is merchandise that is the object of clandestine traffic between two countries. Tobacco, alcohol and the medicines, false bills (game, events…), If someone proposes you very cheap products, be careful, these products can contain registers products on the list of the drugs products. What a pity, To be doped to his unawareness or to be blocked to the customs.
Steal with armed hand: offence or criminal done that consists of appropriate yourself by the force or by the trick the possessions of others. Before being avoided to a hold up, peruse the places called straight no if you go out of the town. Just like someone proposes something in an inappropriate price, be careful!
Counterfeit Money or false bills (game, events. ..) : The false counterfeit of money is a big crime that consist to make, to have or to use counterfeit money. Since that the Euro is a refuge value, your Euros will be able to do the happiness’s one, the persons that will say they are broker, there too, also watch out. Carry out your change in empowered establishments and especially not in the street..
Non exhaustive solutions
1. The first things are to respect the French laws.
2. Take well knowledge of the internal regulation of the town.
3. If you go out of the athletic town, be accompanied yourself by an accredited guide that speaks your language and the one of the region!
4. Prefer the visits and the excursions proposed by the organization
5. Always keep on you the elements that can be able to prove your identity
6. The must is to have a false bills detector